Jeep Wrangler: Cooling System Tips — Automatic Transmission / Do Not Operate The Engine With Low Oil Pressure
If the low oil pressure warning light turns on
while driving, stop the vehicle and shut down
the engine as soon as possible. A chime will
sound when the light turns on.
Do not operate the vehicle until the cause is
corrected. This light does not show how much
oil is in the engine. The engine oil level must be
checked under the hood.
If oil pressure falls to less than normal
readings, shut the engine off immediately.
Failure to do so could result in immediate and
severe engine damage.
To reduce the potential for engine and
transmission overheating in high ambient
temperature conditions, take the following
City Driving — When stopped, shift the transmission
into NEUTRAL (N) and increase
engine idle speed...
All engine failures give some warning before the
parts fail. Be on the alert for changes in
performance, sounds, and visual evidence that
the engine requires service...
Other information:
TCS monitors the amount of wheel spin of each
of the driven wheels. If wheel spin is detected,
the TCS may apply brake pressure to the
spinning wheel(s) and/or reduce engine power
to provide enhanced acceleration and stability.
A feature of the TCS, Brake Limited Differential
(BLD), functions similarly to a limited slip
differential and controls the wheel spin across a
driven axle...
How long does it take to send the route and
destination to my vehicle? Depending on
various conditions, it can take up to three
minutes for the request to get through to
your vehicle.
Can I cancel a route I sent to my vehicle?
Yes, once you enter your vehicle, and start
the engine, the pop-up message stating that
you have a new route will appear...