Jeep Wrangler: UCONNECT VOICE RECOGNITION / Basic Voice Commands
The basic Voice Commands below can be given
at any point while using your Uconnect system.
Push the VR button on the steering wheel. After
the beep, say:
- “Cancel” to stop a current voice session.
- “Help” to hear a list of suggested Voice
- “Repeat” to listen to the system prompts
Notice the visual cues that inform you of your
Voice Recognition system’s status.
Start using Uconnect Voice Recognition with
these helpful quick tips. It provides the key Voice
Commands and tips you need to know to control
your vehicle’s Voice Recognition (VR) system...
The VR button is used to activate
your Voice Recognition system.
Helpful hints for using Voice Recognition:
Reduce background noise. Wind noise and
passenger conversations are examples of
noise that may impact recognition...
Other information:
To remove the spare tire from the carrier,
remove the tire cover, if equipped.
Remove the Rear Camera Cover by turning
the lock bolt counterclockwise with the
#T40 torx head driver and ratchet from the
supplied tool kit.
Unlock Rear Camera Cover
Remove the lug nuts with the lug wrench
turning them counterclockwise...
Before completing the steps below:
If your vehicle is equipped with a Soft
Top, the top MUST be lowered, and the
door rails must be removed prior to
lowering the windshield.
If your vehicle is equipped with a Hard
Top, the Freedom Panels MUST be
removed prior to lowering the windshield...