Jeep Wrangler: CONNECTED SERVICES FAQs / Connected Services Roadside Assistance FAQs
- What is the phone number for roadside
assistance call? The phone number is:
- US: 1-800-521-2779
- Canada: 1-800-363-4869
- If I am subscribed to SiriusXM Guardian™,
does it cover towing or other expenses
incurred by using roadside assistance? No,
however your new vehicle may include
Roadside Assistance Call services.
How long does it take to unlock or lock the
door? Depending on various conditions, it
can take up to three minutes or more for
the request to get to your vehicle...
How long does it take to send the route and
destination to my vehicle? Depending on
various conditions, it can take up to three
minutes for the request to get through to
your vehicle...
Other information:
Do not attempt to change a tire on the side
of the vehicle close to moving traffic. Pull
far enough off the road to avoid the danger
of being hit when operating the jack or
changing the wheel.
Being under a jacked-up vehicle is
Press the SYNC button on the
touchscreen to toggle the SYNC
feature on/off. The SYNC indicator
illuminates when SYNC is on. SYNC
synchronizes the passenger temperature
setting with the driver temperature setting.
Changing the passenger’s temperature setting
while in SYNC will automatically exit this