Jeep Wrangler: VEHICLE MAINTENANCE / Front/Rear Axle Fluid
For normal service, periodic fluid level checks
are not required. When the vehicle is serviced
for other reasons the exterior surfaces of the
axle assembly should be inspected. If gear oil
leakage is suspected inspect the fluid level.
Fluid Level Check
Lubricant should be approximately 1/8 inch
(3 mm) below the bottom edge of the oil fill hole.
Make sure that the vehicle is level and
supported by the axles.
Adding Fluid
Add lubricant only at the fill hole and only to the
level specified above.
Selection Of Lubricant
Use only FCA recommended fluid.
In order to ensure brake system performance,
all brake system components should be
inspected periodically. For the proper
maintenance intervals.
Riding the brakes can lead to brake failure
and possibly a collision...
Fluid Level Check
The fluid level should be to the bottom edge of
the fill hole when the vehicle is in a level
Transfer Case
Fill hole
Drain hole
Drain And Refill
For the proper maintenance intervals...
Other information:
Carbon monoxide (CO) in exhaust gases is
deadly. Follow the precautions below to
prevent carbon monoxide poisoning:
Do not inhale exhaust gases. They contain
carbon monoxide, a colorless and odorless
gas, which can kill. Never run the engine in
a closed area, such as a garage, and never
sit in a parked vehicle with the engine
running for an extended period...
Mixing of engine coolant (antifreeze) other
than specified Organic Additive Technology
(OAT) engine coolant, may result in engine
damage and may decrease corrosion protection.
OAT engine coolant is different and
should not be mixed with Hybrid Organic
Additive Technology (HOAT) engine coolant or any “globally compatible”