Jeep Wrangler: OFF-ROAD PAGES — IF EQUIPPED / TrailCam — If Equipped
Your vehicle may be equipped with a TrailCam
that allows you to see an on-screen image of the
front view of your vehicle. The image will be
displayed on the touchscreen along with a
caution note “Check Entire Surroundings”
across the top of the screen.
To activate, press the TrailCam button on the

TrailCam Activation
The Pitch & Roll page displays the vehicle’s
current pitch (angle up and down) and roll
(angle side to side) in degrees. The pitch and roll
gauges provide a visualization of the current
vehicle angle...
Other information:
Engine Oil Selection — 2.0L Engine (If Equipped)
For best performance and maximum protection
under all types of operating conditions, the
manufacturer only recommend engine oils that
are API SP/GF-6A certified and meet the
requirements of the manufacturer Material
Standard MS-13340...
Release the strap that secured the
windshield in the lowered position.
Raise the windshield.
Using the provided #40 Torx head driver,
reinstall the four Torx screws located along
the interior of the windshield. Secure them
until they are snug, being careful not to
cross-thread the screws or overtighten...